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StatBank Denmark People Select from table FOLK1C
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    FOLK1C: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age (5 years age groups), ancestry and country of origin
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    Population at the first day of the quarter by country of origin,
    ancestry and time
    Total1 1921 3011 3901 6811 8951 9852 0832 4422 6852 8352 9923 3133 5553 6963 8204 1674 3644 5194 7115 0765 3535 5575 7226 1076 3956 6326 8237 2817 5167 7187 8978 2988 4768 6568 811
    Persons of Danish origin00000000000000000000000000000000000
    Immigrants1 0631 1681 2511 5441 7561 8431 9332 2872 5262 6682 8153 1233 3553 4883 5973 9324 1144 2614 4354 7895 0465 2345 3755 7446 0256 2466 4176 8527 0697 2387 4037 7857 9448 1078 227

    Unit : Number
    Contact : Dorthe Larsen  +45 39 17 33 07
    Information : Show documentation of statistics

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