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StatBank Denmark Environment and energy
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    ENERGI3: Prices of natural gas for households by annual consumption, price definition and energy unit
    Unit : DKK per unit (current prices)

    In level 2 and level 3 prices is for 2022 deducted the value of the lump sum paid out in august as compensation for heat costs. The value is calculated to in average 3.63 DKK per m3, (app. 83 DKK per GJ) as the compensation is expected to cover the calender year 2022. The value is used for all three size groups. About two third of the consumers have recieved compensation, why the value af the compensation for these is higher than the average.

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    price definition (4)
    energy unit (2)
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    (select max. 10000)
    12-12-2024 Statistics Denmark ,