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StatBank Denmark Economy
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    UHV6: External trade in goods (crosses Danish border) by imports and exports, BEC (Broad Economic Categories) and country
    Unit : m DKK (current prices)

    On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom withdrew from the EU, which means that the UK is treated as a non-EU country in the statistics. The UK is now part of the World outside the EU grouping and the grouping EU-27 (without the United Kingdom) covers the current EU composition. The changes are implemented back to the starting year in the table. Please notice that this Danish BEC-classification does not correspond with the United Nations´ BEC-classification.

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    imports and exports (2)
    BEC (Broad Economic Categories) (9)
    country (16)
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    (select max. 10000)
    20-1-2025 Statistics Denmark ,