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StatBank Denmark
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Road traffic of Dannish vehicles by means of transport (DISCONTINUED)
Unit : m vehicle km
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means of transport
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Bicycles/Mopeds max. 30 km/h
Motor vehicles total
Private cars
Private cars with a petrol engine, total
Private cars with a petrol engine, empty weight under 1,001 kg
Private cars with a petrol engine, empty weight 1,001-1,300 kg
Private cars with a petrol engine, empty weight 1,301-1,500 kg
Private cars with a petrol engine, empty weight more than ,.500 kg
Private cars with diesel engine etc., total
Private cars with diesel engine etc., under 1,001 kg
Private cars with diesel engine etc., empty weight 1,001-1,300 kg
Private cars with diesel engine etc., empty weight 1,301-1,500 kg
Private cars with diesel engine etc., empty weight more than 1,500 kg
Taxis with a petrol engine
Taxis with diesel engine
Mopeds max. 45 km/h
Vans total
Vans with a petrol engine, total
Vans with a petrol engine, total weight under 2,001 kg
Vans with a petrol engine, total weight 2,001-2,500 kg
Vans with a petrol engine, total weight 2,501-3,000 kg
Vans with a petrol engine, total weight 3,001-3,500 kg
Vans with diesel engine etc., total
Vans with diesel engine etc., total weight under 2,001 kg
Vans with diesel engine etc., total weight 2,001-2,500 kg
Vans with diesel engine etc., total weight 2,501-3,000 kg
Vans with diesel engine etc., total weight 3,001-3,500 kg
Lorries, total
Lorries, total weight 3,501-6,000 kg
Lorries, total weight 6,001-7,500 kg
Lorries, total weight 7,501-12,000 kg
Lorries, total weight 12,001-16,000 kg
Lorries, total weight 16,001-18,000 kg
Lorries, total weight more than 18,000 kg
Road tractos, total
Road tractors, total weight under 18,001 kg
Road tractors, total weight more than 18,000 kg
Buses and coaches total
Scheduled buses
Scheduled buses, total weight under 5,001 kg
Scheduled buses, total weight more than 5,001 kg
Coaches and other buses
Coaches and other buses, total weight under 5,000 kg
Coaches and other buses, total weight more than 5,000 kg
Buses for private driving
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Statistics Denmark