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1005 General Adult Education
10051010 Preparatory Adult Education
10051015 Dyslexia, adult education
10052030 Generel Adult Education, seperate courses
1006 Danish Language Courses at Language Centers
10061005 Danish 1
10061010 Danish 2
10062005 Danish, level not stated
1009 General Adult Education
10090320 Adult dyslexic instruction
10090330 Preparatory Adult Education
10091030 General Adult Education
1012 Danish language courses at Language Centers
10120105 Danish 1
10120110 Danish 2
10120205 Danish, level not stated
1510 General stream
15101010 Youth High Scool, general
15101030 Folk High School, general
15101040 Folk High School, sport
15101070 Folk High School, courses for disabled
15101090 Folk High School, others
15102010 Tx-separate courses
1511 Vocationally oriented stream
15112515 Creativ basic course, graphic
15115010 Tf-courses, etc.
15116010 Home economics, general
15116030 Home economics, others
15116040 Needlework school courses
1512 Danish Language course at Language Centers
15120105 Danish 3
2016 Higher preparatory examination
20168510 Higher preparatory examination combination of separate courses
2018 Entrance examinations, higher edu.
20181020 Upper secondary school, suplementary course GSK
20182010 Upper secondary school, induction for refugees GIF
2539 Higher commercial examination
25390020 Higher commercial examination
2551 Higher technical examination
25510010 Higher technical examination
2559 Entrance examinations to engineer
25590520 Entrance examinations to engineer academy
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8 Total
Continued the Course
Course is completed and examination is passed
Course is completed and participant failed in examination
Course is completed and participant does not sit for the examination
Course is completed and no examination is attached to the course
Participant discontinued the course or did not turn up for the examination
Completion, not stated
Students, not following a programme
No examination is attached to the course
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Age total
Under 20 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
45-49 years
50-54 years
55-59 years
60 year and over