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3520 Pedagogy
352010 Pedagogy
3539 Commerce, clerical trades
353900 Commerce, clerical trades general
35390010 Commercial basic courses
35390020 Commercial courses specific fields
35390025 Entrepreneur Ed.
35390030 Transsectorial open ed.
35390035 Introduction courses to VVU
35390040 Pc-User
353906 Retail trade
353926 Office worker
3553 Construction
355375 Other construction
3558 Technical and other industry
355800 General technical and other industry
355830 Technical assistant
3575 Food industry and home economics
357580 Other food industry and home econ
3580 Agriculture and fishing
358020 Agriculture
358025 Farmer
358028 Works manager, green diploma
358030 Farmers - supplementary training
358060 Fishing
3590 Health
359015 Social- and health helper
359095 Other health
3597 Field not specified
359797 Field not specified
3961 Industrial job retraining program
396154 Iron and metallic industries, AMU industry
39615410 Metallic industries, AMU industry
39615425 Plastic industries, AMU industry
396158 Technic and other industries, AMU industry
39615815 Process industry fodd processing etc., AMU industry
39615816 Fishing and Poultry industries, AMU industry
39615817 Postal products and processes, AMU industry
39615818 Clothing and Textile industries, AMU industry
39615819 Work organization in production, AMU industry
39615822 Process industries, non-food production, AMU industry
39615830 Electronic and chemical industries, AMU industry
3962 Metallic industries supplementary training
396254 Iron and metallic industries, AMU metal
39625410 Iron and metallic industries, AMU metal
39625474 Technical design - industrial plan, AMU Metall
3963 Supplementary traning for Industries/ Metal industries
396354 Iron and Metal, AMU ind/metal
39635410 Welding, Casting, Shipbuilding, AMU metal
3964 Supplementary training for trade, administration, communication and management
396439 Trade and office work, AMU trade/adm.
39643950 Trade and Administration, AMU trade/adm.
39643965 Finance, Insurance, Pension etc., AMU trade/adm.
39643974 Management, AMU trade/adm.
39643975 Public Administration, AMU trade/adm.
39643985 Health sector - Adm. etc., AMU trade/adm.
39643986 Dental Clinic administration etc., AMU commercial/clerical
396455 Grafic, Photo, Film, Television etc., AMU trade/adm.
39645521 Grafic production, AMU trade/adm.
39645574 Photo, Film, Television production etc., AMU trade/adm
3965 Service trade supplementary training
396560 AMU - service trades
39656050 Watchmaking, AMU service
39656051 Optometry, AMU service
39656070 Service property, Cleaning, Watchman, AMU service
39656075 Tent Assembly, AMU service
39656085 Dental mechanics, AMU service
39656090 Hairdresser and cosmetics, AMU service
39656091 Laundry industries, AMU service
3966 Supplementary training for construcion and industry
396653 Construction, AMU constr./ind
39665345 Buildings and Plants Construction, AMU constr./ind
39665346 Entrepreneur materials, application etc., AMU constr./ind
39665347 Isolation of technical plants, AMU constr./ind
39665348 Road Construction and Road Surfacing, AMU constr./ind
39665374 Planning etc., Construction, MU constr./ind
39665390 Sewage processing, AMU constr./ind
3967 Supplementary training for technical constructions and Energy
396753 Constructions, AMU energi
39675345 Electricity technique install. and service, AMU energy
39675370 Chimney Sweeping, AMU energy
396754 Iron and metal, AMU energy
3968 Forestry industry, courses
396858 Technic and other industry, AMU forstry
3969 Dairywork and agricultur supplementary training
396975 Food and household, AMU dairy/agri
396980 Agriculture and fishing, AMU dairy/agri
3970 Supplementary training for Kitchen, Hotel,restaurant,baker,confectioner,meat
397075 Food and household, AMU food
39707515 Meat processing, AMU food
39707516 Bakery and confectionary, AMU food
39707555 Kitchen, hotel og restaurant, AMU food
3971 Transport trade training board
397180 Agricultur and Fishing, AMU transp.
397185 Transport etc., AMU transp.
3972 Supplementary training for Pedagogy , Social work and Health
397220 Pedagogy, AMU ped/soc
397290 Health, AMU ped/soc
3973 Supplementary training for technical installations, energy/construction industries
397300 Other couses, AMU energi/constr.
3974 Other courses, AMU
397400 AMU ed., competence clarification
39740098 Other scheduled courses, AMU
39740099 Individuel competence clarification, AMU
3976 Stainless steel
397654 Stainless steel, AMU
3998 Suppl. training, semiskilled /skilled workers, other
399854 Metallic industries
4020 Pedagogy
402020 Academieducation in youth pedagogy
402040 Pedagogy, applied
4025 Communication and applied language
402530 Mediadesign, communication and dissemination
402561 One business language
4030 The arts
403080 Museum
4039 Social science
403912 Estate agent
403915 Economy, marketing
403918 Economy, business
403926 General administration
403932 Economy, finance
40393210 Financial Management
40393230 Academy education statonom
40393240 Academy education in financial consultancy
40393250 Financial supplementary education
403933 Financial supplementary education
403935 Accounting
403940 Information Technology
40394010 Computer scientist
40394020 Diploma in computer science
40394030 IT-administrator
40394040 Academy education in informationtechnology
403945 Holder of a diploma in specialized business studies
403946 Diploma for specialized business studies
403947 Bachelor of business studies
40394705 Academy merkonom in communikation and and dissimination
40394710 Academy merkonom in international trade and marketing
40394715 Academy merkonom in finance
40394720 Academy education in management
40394725 Event Management, Academy program
403951 Economy, service
403956 Logistics
4059 Technical
405900 Technical general
405910 Holder of a diploma in specialized technical studies
405920 Production and machine engineering
405924 Installation technician
405925 IT- and electronics technician
405930 Laboratory technician
405955 Decorator supplementary training
405985 Design technology
405988 Technical manager offshore
4075 Food industry and home economics
407510 Process and food production technique
407560 Gastronomy
4080 Agriculture and fishing
408020 Agriculture technician
408028 Works manager, green diploma
408030 Works manager green certificate
408032 Economist, agrarian etc.
408060 Fishing
4085 Transport etc.
408520 Logistics
4090 Health care
409020 Academy education in Heath practice
409060 Dental treatment
5020 Pedagogy
502000 Pedagogy general
502010 Pedagogy etc.
502020 Primary/lower secondary school teacher etc.
502030 Textile craft and communication
502040 Pedagogy, vocational
5025 Communication and applied language
502530 Journalism and communication
50253010 Journalist
50253030 Journalistic work, diploma
50253040 Journalism
50253050 Journalist for ethnic groups, diploma
502561 One applied language
502575 Inter-disciplinary diploma
5030 The arts
503020 Academy of music
503030 Dancer
5035 Natural science
503520 Computer science
503530 Web development
503585 Sports
5039 Social science
503929 Public administration
50392905 Taxes, diploma
50392910 Public Administration, prof.bach.
50392915 Public administration, diploma
50392920 Collection, diploma.
503930 Sportsmanagement
503961 Business economics/ management
50396110 BCom - part 1
50396112 Sale foreign trade, BCom - part 2
50396115 Public finance, BCom - part 2
50396120 Sale, BCom - part 2
50396122 Commercial, Diploma
50396125 Finance, BCom - part 2
50396126 Financial Planning, HD part II
50396135 Organisation, BCom - part 2
50396140 Accounting, BCom - part 2
50396145 Foreign Trade, BCom - part 2
50396150 Purchase / Transport, BCom - part 2
50396155 Information science, BCom - part 2
50396156 Finance, proff. bachelor
50396160 Environment, BCom - part 2
50396165 Management, Diploma
50396167 Globalization and Change, Diploma
50396170 Health Economy and Management, Diploma
50396175 Internat. bach. leisure management, prof.bach.
503970 Tourism
503974 Social guidance/ communication
503975 Inter-disciplinary diploma
5059 Technical
505900 Technical general
505910 Management Technology
50591010 Engineers management course
50591020 Technology manager
50591030 Project manager, Diploma
50591040 Technology, Diploma.
50591050 Global management-manufacturing,
505914 Bachelor, food industry engineering
505916 Forest and landscape
505925 Electronics-IT
505930 Chemistry
505945 Technique of building and grounds
505950 Architectural technology and construction management
505980 Graphic designer
5075 Food industry and home economics
507570 Nutrition
5090 Health care
509030 Nursing
509031 Nursing, further education
509036 Radiographer
509040 Occupational therapy
509060 Dental care
6025 The humanities, theology
602500 The humanities, theology general
602502 Pedagogy
602504 Theology and religion
602506 Philosophy
602508 History
602510 Archaeology
602512 Literary science
602514 Theatrical science
602518 Musical science
602520 History of art
602526 Design-culture-economic
602526 Design-Culture-Economy
602530 Journalism, media and communication
602540 Classical language
602542 Nordic language
602544 English
602546 Other germanic language
602548 Romance
602550 Slavonic, Balkan languages
602552 Oriental
602554 Asiatic
602584 Applied language, more than one language
602589 Linguistics etc.
6030 The arts
603025 Music educations, the rest
6035 Natural science
603500 Natural science general
603510 Mathematics
603520 Computer science
603530 Insurance science
603540 Physic
603550 Chemistry
603560 Geography
603565 Geology
603580 Biology
603585 Athletics
6039 Social science
603961 Business economics
603968 Economics
603976 Law
603978 Political science
603980 Sociology
603982 Anthropology
603986 Psychology
603988 Music therapy
6059 Technical
605900 Technical, general
605920 Machine engineering
6090 Health care
609000 Health care general
609052 Chiropractor
6520 Pedagogy
652000 Pedagogy general
652010 Pedagogy, professional
652040 Pedagogy, vocational
65204005 Health Pedagogy, master
65204010 Learning process (MLP)
65204011 Entrepreneurship, education, training (IMEET), master
65204012 Language acquisition, master
65204015 Pedagogic IT, master
65204020 Problem based learning in science (MPBL), master
65204022 MEd in the Didactics of Reading and Writing
65204023 Master in the Didactics of Science
65204025 Professions developer, master
65204030 Social pedagogy, master
65204035 Civics, master
65204040 Intercultural pedagogy, master
65204043 Drama- and theater Pedagogy, master
65204045 Secondary school Pedagogy (MIG)
65204050 Special Pedagogy, master
65204052 Danish as a second language, Master
65204055 Adult Education, master
65204060 Foreign Language Pedagogy,master
65204065 Master in Tutoring
6525 The humanities, theology
652500 The humanities, theology general
652502 Pedagogy, humanistic
652504 Theology and religion
652506 Philosophy
652508 History
652510 Archaeology
652512 Literary science
652514 Theatrical science
652516 Film science
652518 Music science
652520 History of art
652525 Communicator of culture/ tourism
652530 Journalism, media and communication
652540 Classical language
652542 Danish-Nordic
652544 English
652546 Other Germanic language
652548 Romance
652550 Slavonic, Balkan languages
652552 Oriental
652554 Asiatic
652556 Other languages
652561 Applied language, one language
652589 Linguistics
6530 The arts
653019 Music art studies
653020 Classical music
653030 Rhythmically music
653040 Music teaching
653080 Museum
6535 Natural science
653500 General
653510 Mathematics
653520 Computer science
65352008 IT and software, Master
65352009 Software developing, Master
65352010 Computer science, Master
65352049 Information Technology (MI)
65352050 Computer science, Cand.
65352051 It (MIT), Master
65352055 IT - software, Cand.
65352058 ICT and learning, Master
65352079 IT-Trade, Master
65352081 Multimedia science (MMS)
65352082 Computer-mediated comm. (MCC)
65352086 Multimedia technology, Master
65352087 Design/communication/media, Master
65352088 Internet- and softwaredeveloping, Master
65352089 ITC, Interaction design and multi media, Master
65352090 IT-communication-organization (MITKO), Master
653525 Statistics
653530 Insurance science
653540 Physic
653545 Astronomy
653550 Chemistry
653560 Geography
653565 Geology
653575 Nanotechnology
653580 Biology
653585 Athletics
6539 Social science
653900 Social science general
653926 Administration and management
653961 Business economist
65396110 C.merc.
65396115 Computer science, c.merc.
65396120 Matematics, c.merc.
65396125 Business Laws, c.merc.
65396130 Interpret, c.merc.
65396133 Psychology
65396140 Accounting, c.merc.
65396147 Communication Management - business economist, cand. merc.
65396148 Master in Experience Management
65396153 Management of Educational Institutions, Master
65396154 Leadership-innovation in complex systems, Master
65396158 Transport and Maritime Management
65396160 Management development (MMP), master
65396166 Management and Process Improvement, master
65396170 Business administration (MBA)
65396171 Public administration (MPA)
65396173 InternationalBusiness Bommunication, Master
65396174 Corporate communication, Master
65396177 Human ressources, Master
65396190 Philosophy
653968 Economics
653976 Law
653978 Political science
653980 Sociology
653982 Anthropology
653986 Psychology
6559 Technical
655900 Technical general
655920 Machine and shipbuilding technique
655925 MSc in electronics-IT engineering
655945 MSc in civil engineering
655955 Biotechnology
655970 MSc in engineering, geotechnology
6575 Food industry and home economics
657500 Food industry and home economics general
6580 Agriculture
658010 Veterinary
658020 Agricultural science
658040 Gardening science
6590 Health care
659010 Health science
659030 Nursing science
659055 Medical science
659060 Dentist
659065 Pharmacist
659070 Medical Specialist and Dental Specialist
6595 Public security
659520 Defence
7030 The arts
703080 Museum
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Under 20 years
20-24 years
25-29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40-44 years
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50-54 years
55-59 years
60 year and over