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3961 Industrial job retraining program
396154 Iron and metallic industries, AMU industry
39615410 Metallic industries, AMU industry
39615425 Plastic industries, AMU industry
396158 Technic and other industries, AMU industry
39615815 Process industry fodd processing etc., AMU industry
39615816 Fishing and Poultry industries, AMU industry
39615817 Postal products and processes, AMU industry
39615818 Clothing and Textile industries, AMU industry
39615819 Work organization in production, AMU industry
39615820 Operative tasks within power supply, AMU ind.arb.
39615822 Process industries, non-food production, AMU industry
39615830 Electronic and chemical industries, AMU industry
3962 Metallic industries supplementary training
396254 Iron and metallic industries, AMU metal
39625410 Iron and metallic industries, AMU metal
39625474 Technical design - industrial plan, AMU Metall
3963 Supplementary traning for Industries/ Metal industries
396354 Iron and Metal, AMU ind/metal
39635410 Welding, Casting, Shipbuilding, AMU metal
3964 Supplementary training for trade, administration, communication and management
396439 Trade and office work, AMU trade/adm.
39643950 Trade and Administration, AMU trade/adm.
39643965 Finance, Insurance, Pension etc., AMU trade/adm.
39643970 Instruction - adm. functions in training and sport, AMU trade/adm
39643974 Management, AMU trade/adm.
39643975 Public Administration, AMU trade/adm.
39643985 Health sector - Adm. etc., AMU trade/adm.
39643986 Dental Clinic administration etc., AMU commercial/clerical
396455 Grafic, Photo, Film, Television etc., AMU trade/adm.
39645521 Grafic production, AMU trade/adm.
39645574 Photo, Film, Television production etc., AMU trade/adm
3965 Service trade supplementary training
396560 AMU - service trades
39656050 Watchmaking, AMU service
39656051 Optometry, AMU service
39656070 Service property, Cleaning, Watchman, AMU service
39656075 Tent Assembly, AMU service
39656085 Dental mechanics, AMU service
39656090 Hairdresser and cosmetics, AMU service
39656091 Laundry industries, AMU service
3966 Supplementary training for construcion and industry
396653 Construction, AMU constr./ind
39665345 Buildings and Plants Construction, AMU constr./ind
39665346 Entrepreneur materials, application etc., AMU constr./ind
39665347 Isolation of technical plants, AMU constr./ind
39665348 Road Construction and Road Surfacing, AMU constr./ind
39665374 Planning etc., Construction, MU constr./ind
39665390 Sewage processing, AMU constr./ind
3967 Supplementary training for technical constructions and Energy
396753 Constructions, AMU energi
39675345 Electricity technique install. and service, AMU energy
39675370 Chimney Sweeping, AMU energy
396754 Iron and metal, AMU energy
39675440 Vvs-installation og servicering, AMU energi Plumbing installation and servicing, AMU energy
3968 Forestry industry, courses
396858 Technic and other industry, AMU forstry
39685820 Træ- og møbelindustri mv., AMU træind. Wood and furniture industry etc.., AMU woodind.
3969 Dairywork and agricultur supplementary training
396975 Food and household, AMU dairy/agri
39697515 Produktion og pakning af mejeriprodukter, AMU mej/jord Production and packaging of dairy products, AMU MEJ / soil
396980 Agriculture and fishing, AMU dairy/agri
3970 Supplementary training for Kitchen, Hotel,restaurant,baker,confectioner,meat
397075 Food and household, AMU food
39707515 Meat processing, AMU food
39707516 Bakery and confectionary, AMU food
39707555 Kitchen, hotel og restaurant, AMU food
3971 Transport trade training board
397180 Agricultur and Fishing, AMU transp.
39718005 Erhvervsfiskere, AMU transp. Commercial fishermen, AMU transp.
397185 Transport etc., AMU transp.
3972 Supplementary training for Pedagogy , Social work and Health
397220 Pedagogy, AMU ped/soc
397290 Health, AMU ped/soc
3973 Supplementary training for technical installations, energy/construction industries
397300 Other couses, AMU energi/constr.
3974 Other courses, AMU
397400 AMU ed., competence clarification
39740098 Other scheduled courses, AMU
39740099 Individuel competence clarification, AMU
3976 Stainless steel
397654 Stainless steel, AMU
39765410 Working in the stainless steel industry, AMU stainless
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