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Hovedgrupper (4 cifre) Hovedgrupper (6 cifre)
H3910 Care, health and education, AMU
H391010 Health and care, AMU
H391015 Educational Courses, AMU
H3915 Office, trade and business service, AMU
H391510 Commercial programs not specified, AMU
H391515 Office Educations, AMU
H391525 Retail Education, AMU
H391530 Personal service, AMU
H391550 Property and other service not specified, AMU
H391565 Security Guard, AMU
H3920 Food etc., AMU
H392010 Baker and pastrymaker, AMU
H392020 Production of food products, AMU
H392035 Cooking education, AMU
H3925 Agriculture and nature, AMU
H392510 Agriculture Education, AMU
H392515 Gartner Education, AMU
H392525 Forest and natural technique, AMU
H3935 Construction, AMU
H393510 Construction not specified, AMU
H393520 Building Painter, AMU
H393530 Bricklayer, AMU
H393545 Plumbing technique, AMU
H393550 Tiler, AMU
H393555 Other construction education, AMU
H3940 The technology area, power and electronics etc., AMU
H394010 Power and electronics not specified, AMU
H394015 Automation and process automation, AMU
H394020 Data and communications technology, AMU
H3945 The technology area, graphical techniques and media production, AMU
H394515 Film and TV production, AMU
H394530 Graphics, AMU
H3950 The technology area, cycling, automotive and marine mechanics etc., AMU
H395015 Cycling, automotive and marine mechanics etc., AMU
H3955 The technology area, mechanical engineering and production, AMU
H395510 Mechanical engineering and production not specified, AMU
H395520 Industry operators and productors, AMU
H395530 Refrigeration Technician and oil burner technician, AMU
H395535 Smith Education, AMU
H395545 Tools maker educations, AMU
H395550 Plastic Maker, AMU
H395590 Mechanical engineering and production, AMU
H3965 Transport and logistics, AMU
H396510 Transport and logistics not specified, AMU
H396515 Storage, port and terminal education, AMU
H396535 Driver, AMU
H396540 Transport and logistics in addition, AMU
H3990 Other vocational educations, AMU
H399010 Commercial fisheries etc., AMU
H399025 Competence clarification, AMU
H399030 Without further specification, courses of the adult vocational programs (AMU in dansh)
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Persons of Danish origin
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60 year and over