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StatBank Denmark
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FOLK1A: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age and marital status
FOLK1AM: Population at the first day of the month by region, sex and age
FOLK1C: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age (5 years age groups), ancestry and country of origin
FOLK1B: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age (5 years age groups) and citizenship
BEFOLK1: Population 1. January by sex, age and marital status
FOLK1E: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age and ancestry
FOLK1D: Population at the first day of the quarter by region, sex, age and group of citizenship
LABY41: Students activities at music schools per 1,000 capita by municipality groups and subject
Footnote: ... subjects at a music school. The population is subtracted from the table ...